The Rancher

Transitioning back into America has been a challenge. The home I left is not the home I returned to. It is a dog eat dog world that is being built on fabricated truths that allow us to feel better about ourselves despite many choices being anti-democracy and inhumane. All American Citizens deserve to be treated fairly despite whatever.

Photo by Kerry on

You know? I am unsure as to when society really truly embraced dishonesty and a fabricated truth. I wish I did and I wish I could go back and change that moment. We are living in a word of fake values and untruths no matter who we are unless we are consciously evil. Then the world is honest to us and we can navigate it with ease.

Recently, I was in a meeting and showed an infographic about authoritarianism and how most Americans support an authoritarian regime. Then it was asked, ‘why do you think this is?’ as rhetorical as though the answer was difficult to uncover. That answer is simple. Most Americans have faith in God and believe God to be authoritarian therefore making it easy for us to believe that an authoritarian system is better than a democracy.

Now, I will go only so far at defending democracy; it only works if the populace is educated. Most are not. At least not in the sense that they need to be for democracy to have value and to work for the people.

Before I dive into ‘The Rancher’, I want it to be as clear as day who I believe the ‘people’ to be. Simply, any person born and living in the USA or someone who has jumped through all the hoops to get a green card. Period. Citizens. That’s the criteria. Not gender. Political affiliation. Wealth. Housing situation. Religion. Education level. Nope, just citizens either through birth or basketball.

‘The Rancher’ is believed to be and believes that they are true Americans and that conservatism is their stronghold. They are crossdressers or trans-politicals. Ranchers, on the outside, are rough and tough and independent Americans fighting for the freedom that has allowed them to prosper when in fact they are socialists to the core. 

A socialist is someone who believes that society is needed for survival. Socialist measures are programs like roads, the fire department, parks, the police department, the military, schools, libraries and ranches and ranchers.

All ranchers are socialists playing conservatives. If not, they would allow the same access to citizens as they do the programs that are paid for by those same citizens otherwise they would all have to plow their own roads, put out their own fires and solve their own crimes while educating their kids.

But instead we give them our money in exchange for their wealth and high prices. It is absurd. Ranchers survive with government funding called subsidies. They would not exist if not for free unearned money that we give them. Yet, we are not allowed access to their land while they are given monies to pay for electric, water, gas fuel, feed, vehicles and are given extra access to public land while relying on our roads and local, state and government services. They are cross-politicals speaking one way but behind the senses, living another.

That’s where we are. We have developed a society in which truth is less important than feeling. It will get us somewhere but at the end of the day, our desire or willingness to lie to ourselves and our support of authoritarianism will mean the end of freedom for most including ‘The Ranchers’ who think that they are above it. The moment technology can manage animals will be the same moment that free socialist measures will no longer be doled out so that the truly wealthy can accrue more while ‘The Ranchers’ become normal American taxpayers struggling for basic survival.

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